2019 Edition

On October 2, Facultat d’Òptica & Optometria of Terrassa (FOOT) distinguished Professor Joanne Wood with the International Prize for Optometrist of the Year, in its edition of 2019, during the opening ceremony of the 2019-2020 academic year, which took place in the monumental Churches of Sant Pere in Terrassa, one of the jewels of the Romanesque (9th-12th century)

Professor Joanne Wood offered attendees the inaugural lecture addressed especially to the first year students, encouraging them to be resilient, make a difference and take chances to excel academically and personally and to reach their full potential.

During the course of the event, the School handed the book of clinical activity record (RAC), to second year students in Optometry, which serves as registry evidence of the total number of clinical cases observed and/or attended by students during their training at the University.

Amongst the winners in former editions are Pr. Lyndon Jones, Pr. J.M. González Méijome, Pr. James Wolffsohn and Pr. Konrad Pesudovs.


Professor Joanne Wood offered attendees the inaugural lecture.

Awarded the "International Optometrist Award of the Year" by the Dean of the Faculty, Joan Gispets, the president of the COOOC, Alfons Bielsa and the vice president of the ACOTV, Patricia Motlló.



Joanne Wood


Originally qualifiJoanne Wooded at the Aston Univ. in UK. Following her PhD andafter a period as post-doc fellow at Oxford, she moved to Brisbane, Australia, where she has developeda successfulcareer looking into how visual impairment and ageing affect driving ability and safet.

Professor Joanne Wood is a professor at the School of Optometry and Vision Science at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. Originally qualified in Optometry from the University of Aston, Birmingham (UK) in 1982 where she uptook her PhD. After a period as post-doc fellow at Oxford, she moved to Brisbane (Australia) as Post- Doctoral Research Fellow at the Queensland University of Technology. There she has pursued her academic career and has become the Director of Research in Optometry and a leader in the Visual Improvement Area of the Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, in recognition of her achievements. Amongst more than 20 international awards received, Dr. Wood has recently received the Doctor Honoris Causa from Aston University (UK). Scientific publications of Joanne Wood are counted by hundreds, and their participation in the main international conferences is constant.

Professor Wood is internationally renowned as a leader in vision, aging and driving and her research career has focused on the impact of visual impairment in driving, where she has contributed significantly with publications in hundreds of international reference magazines, book chapters, presentations at leading international conferences.

One of the greatest achievements of Joanne Wood has been to transfer the results of her research on to road policies and health practice, while advising organizations and professionals regarding road rules and standards for obtaining driving licenses.


More information on Joanne Wood's research
More about Joanne Wood