2016 Edition

 On 28th September, and in the context of the opening of the academic year 2016-2017, the Terrassa School of Optics and Optometry presented to professor González-Méijome, Universidade do Minho (Portugal), the Optometrist of the Year Award, in its edition of 2016.

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In the course of the event, which took place at the monumental ensemble of the churches of Sant Pere de Terrassa, one of the jewels of Romanesque (9th-12th century), Prof. González-Méijome offered attendees the Conference titled "The Unlikely Optometrist". In his talk Prof. González-Méijome described his unlikely decision to devote himself to  optometry and described interesting anecdotes of his extensive career. In addition, he presented a series of aphorisms in which students are encouraged to work with effort, enthusiasm and without fear to be the best professionals in the service of the visual health of the population.

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Delivery of the "Optometrist of the Year Award" to professor José Manuel González-Méijome by the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Joan Gispets, the President of the Catalan Council of Optometrists, Mr. Alfons Bielsa and the President of the Catalan Association of Optometry and Vision Therapy, Mrs. Roser Villena.

José Manuel González-Méijome




Professor González-Méijome currently holds a Lecturer position at the University of Minho, Portugal, and is senior researcher and Lab Coordinator of the Clinical and Experimental Optometry Research Lab (CEORLaB). Please follow this link for biographic details of professor González-Méijome